There are numerous reasons why you might be considering doggy daycare for your furry friend. Perhaps you grapple with an erratic schedule or endure long work hours that necessitate your dog staying home alone for extended periods. It could be that you have a spirited puppy who craves hands-on attention and mental stimulation throughout the day. Or, it might be that your canine companion experiences separation anxiety and needs more opportunities for socializing with fellow pups while you’re away. Doggy daycare offers a solution, providing dogs with exercise, playtime, mental engagement, and, where needed, specialized care.
But what precisely is doggy daycare, and which type of facility is ideal for your dog? Are there specific health and vaccination prerequisites for doggy daycare centers? How do you go about finding a reputable doggy daycare in your vicinity, and what are the associated costs? Will your dog thrive in such an environment?
Here’s what you should be aware of before enrolling your dog in daycare.
Understanding Doggy Daycare
In essence, doggy daycare is precisely as it sounds – a place that looks after your pup until you can collect them at the end of your day. For most dogs, it offers a preferable alternative to being confined to a crate or a single room for 4-5 hours a day. Doggy daycare typically provides nutritious meals, supervised playtime tailored to each dog’s preferences, a safe area for relaxation, and scheduled potty breaks. Dogs are grouped for play and rotate between indoor and outdoor play spaces. Some doggy daycares even offer additional services such as medication administration, grooming, and training.
Types of Doggy Daycare
There are two primary types of doggy daycare: commercial doggy daycare and in-home doggy daycare.
Commercial Doggy Daycare
Commercial doggy daycares are best suited for sociable dogs that enjoy the company of other canines, as they may have 20-40 dogs on-site each day. These facilities often offer amenities like indoor swimming pools, outdoor play areas, and even webcams that allow you to observe your dog’s activities during the day. Trained staff members may also take dogs on off-leash hikes or field trips.
In-Home Doggy Daycare
In-home doggy daycares are typically operated by one or two individuals and only accept a small number of dogs at a time. This option is beneficial for puppies that require extra playtime, or senior dogs that need special care or specialized equipment. While in-home doggy daycare may offer limited space for play, it provides one-on-one attention to your dog.
Additional Services at Doggy Daycare
Most commercial doggy daycare centers offer additional services, including medical care, grooming, training, and overnight boarding.
Medical Services
Many doggy daycare facilities provide medical services for dogs with specific health needs. These services come at an additional cost, which can vary depending on the type of care required.
Grooming Services
Professional doggy daycare centers may offer spa and grooming services such as anal gland expression, ear cleaning, nail trimming, tooth brushing, and sanitary trims. Some even offer unique treatments like blueberry facials or aromatherapy skin care.
Training Services
Some doggy daycares have on-site training programs that teach basic commands and address common behavioral issues. These programs often provide daily progress reports to help reinforce the training at home.
Overnight Boarding Fees
If you’re unable to pick up your dog before the daycare closes, there may be an additional fee for overnight boarding, typically ranging from $35 to $50.
Health and Vaccination Requirements for Doggy Daycare
Most reputable doggy daycare centers have specific health and vaccination requirements to ensure the safety and well-being of all dogs and staff members. These requirements usually include:
Temperament Testing
Before your dog can participate in group play, many doggy daycares conduct a temperament test. This evaluation may involve a phone interview, in-person assessment, and a behavior evaluation with other dogs. Some facilities charge a fee for temperament testing.
Spaying and Neutering
Most doggy daycare centers require puppies to be spayed or neutered by six months of age to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce aggressive behavior.
Parasite Prevention
Year-round parasite prevention is often mandatory for all dogs at daycare to prevent the spread of disease-causing parasites.
Key vaccinations required by most doggy daycares include the Bordetella vaccine (for kennel cough prevention), the Canine Influenza Virus vaccine, DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza) vaccine, the Leptospirosis vaccine, and the Rabies vaccine.
How to Find a Doggy Daycare in Your Area
Seek recommendations from friends, family, neighbors, your veterinarian, local pet supply shops, and social media connections. Research the recommended facilities on rating and review websites such as Angie’s List, the Better Business Bureau, or Yelp. Investigate the doggy daycare center and its owners to ensure credibility.
The Cost of Doggy Daycare
The cost of doggy daycare can vary based on location, with larger cities and rural areas often having higher prices. Rates depend on whether your dog attends for a full or half day. Typically, the cost increases gradually for longer stays.
Example Costs for Full and Half Days:
- K-9 University in Plano, Texas
- Full day: $28
- Half day: $17
- Dog Days of New York in New York, New York
- Full day: $58
- Half day: $48
Purchasing daycare packages may provide a more cost-effective solution for regular care, as it reduces the daily rate.
Examples of Package Costs:
- K-9 University
- 10 full days: $230 (a $50 savings)
- 30 full days: $302 (a $240 savings)
- Dog Days of New York
- 30 full days: $840 (a $900 savings)
- 30 half days: $660 (a $780 savings)
Is Doggy Daycare Right for Your Dog?
Doggy daycare is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consider your dog’s preferences and characteristics before enrolling them in daycare. Does your dog thrive in a group setting or prefer solitude? Does your dog have special needs? What is their activity level, temperament, and intelligence? Dogs that are aggressive, extremely shy, or highly intelligent might not be a good fit for doggy daycare. If your dog appears stressed or unenthusiastic about daycare, consider shorter or quieter sessions or explore alternatives like hiring a dog walker or pet sitter.